Workshop Door Sales - Closed

How exciting! Only one more week to Wellington Kizomba Workshop! Unfortunately we won't be able to accept door sales for workshops as we're pretty packed! Thanks again everyone who have booked the tickets. Please read below for all details.
>>> Ladies Styling Class and parties are still open for door sale <<<

Invite Your Friends to Salsa Fiesta!
This is going to be epic! There will be 2 party rooms (Kizomba & Salsa). Do invite your salsa friends to Salsa Fiesta so that they don't miss out!!

Read Workshop Details
If you’ve bought a full pass, please read the Workshop Details and make sure you have all the pre-requisites required before entering each workshop.
Ps: Please come early to do the registration before the first workshop at 11.00 am

Monday Social at Hotel Bristol $5
For those who have voted; thank you! We're back at Hotel Bristol and everyone's loving it.
When you buy drinks/food > mention Kizomba or 578, the points will get acummulated to use during special functions.

Sunday Improvers $10 & Foundations $10 - Week 3
We're coming to the mid term and let's keep the spirit up! Last week we've been introduced to the importance of stepping, this week we'll get to practice the steps along with connection and syncopation.
Don't miss this Sunday's class!

Thursday Improvers $10 & Free Social
If you happen to miss the Sunday classes, come along to Thursday session. Improvers start at 7pm, free social at 8-9pm. This is the best day to relax and unwind with a glass of wine and... ofcourse Kizomba! :-)
If you have any queries, critics, opinions, or just want to tell us how much you love Kizomba, you can reply directly via this e-mail.
Looking forward to hear from you :-)
Dança | Home of Kizomba in Wellington